Amalfi & Ischia
This summer (2023), Magniberg is launching – Lover – a new Beach Towel Collection made to fit a group of friends and family on the beach, pool side or wine and dine picnic.

The name for the new collection derives from the 1978’s song and music video "Automatic Lover" by Dee D. Jackson, a song that is an integrated part of the office playlist at the studio in Stockholm.
“Music videos are an art genre in itself… often times I say, let’s look at music rather than just
listen to it.”
– Bengt Thornefors

The starting point for the Lover Beach Towel Collection was the large sized Beach Towel (170×250 cm). Consistent with Magniberg’s philosophy of lifestyle as self-expression, every towel bears an embossed mantra that spans across the surface in a jacquard pattern: “See Me, Feel Me, Hear Me, Love Me, Touch Me”.

Lover’s weight and feel is balanced purposely to be a beach and pool quality towel made in 100% organic cotton and are available in three sizes. Each comes in four signature colours inspired by Jeff Koon’s artwork: Praia Green, Playa Pink, Spiaggia Red and Plage Purple. The colour names take cue from the word ‘Beach’ in the Latin languages French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.

Lover Beach blanket, 170x250 cm
Lover Beach towel, 70x140 cm
Lover Play towel, 55x100 cm

Photography by Elizabeth Heltoft, Amalfi & Ischia, July 2023.