Behnaz Aram
Name: Behnaz Aram
Profession: Designer & Costume designer
Age: 42
Location: Stockholm

Questionnaire: Behnaz Aram
Describe yourself in a single sentence?
– Organised confusion. It looks messy but organized in my head.
What was your last thought before falling asleep last night?
– That l want to have a good night sleep. Mostly l think about everything and nothing. From what to eat to how long we will have clean water in Sweden.
What is the first thing you think about when you woke up?
– That I’m really thirsty.
If you could give your younger self any advice what would it be?
– Not to worry so much and everything will be fine. Don’t take everything seriously.
What do you lie about?
– I still lie about the price of things l buy to my mom.
What is your favourite book and why?
– «Letters to a young poet» by Rainer Maria Rilke. Read it 8 times. It’s a favourite because it’s about someone who is soul searching and is battling about a path that is already made for him by others finding his own.
What are you proud of?
– My two kids.
To what extent do you trust people?
– Give and take.
What do you do when nobody looks?
– To do nothing, just dream away into something far away.
Who is your favourite director?
– Takashi Miike, bizarre, beautiful and ultra violent.
What have you learned from your parents?
– Education, politeness, respect. Make sure not leave a mess after you.
Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
– The struggle is real.

Photography by Petter Lundgren, Stockholm, January 2021.